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Project of the month:
Sjávarlínan 2021
That's were you want to be.
+354 511 5080

EON - arkitektar frá 1999:
EON arkitektar hafa víðtæka reynslu á sviði Umhverfis- og Skipulagsmála, á sviði Arkitektúr svo og innanhússhönnunar, verkefni stofunnar eru stór og smá, flest verkin eru unnin á Íslandi , einnig hefur stofan komið að verkefnum á norðurlöndum, í Sviss, Bretlandi, Ameríku og Rússlandi.
Verkefnin eru fjölbreytt og ráðgjöf og þjónusta í hverju verkefni byggir á mikilli reynslu og fjölda unnina verkefna og er sniðinn að þörfum og væntingum hvers viðskiptavinar.
EON - Manifesto:
EON arkitektar hafa sterkar rætur til íslensks þjóðfélags. Tenging við sérkenni og sögu þjóðarinnar er okkur mikilvæg. Einnig leggjum við áherslu á tengingu byggingalistar og umhverfisþátta landsins. EON arkitektar standa fyrir sköpun góðra rýma og stefna að því að leggja sitt af mörkum til byggingalistar hér á landi. Markmið EON er að sameina nútíma arkitektúr, umhverfisþætti með vísun í stílbrögð og sögu, í eina heild sem hentar og virkar í íslensku veðurfari og náttúru og passar inn í hið hraða hátæknisamfélag sem við lifum í. Byggingar eiga að geta aðlagað sig að breyttum kröfum framtíðarinnar, án þess að missa sérkenni sín.
EON / skilgreining:
Eon er skilgreint sem óendanleiki. Samkvæmt fyrstu skilkgreiningu orðabókar Websters þýðir eon ómællanlegt eða óendanlegt tímarými, þ.e.a.s óendanleiki. Samkvæmt annari skilgreinginu orðabókar Websters þýðir eon (einnig skrifað æon) staðfærsla yfirnáttúrulega eiginleika. Á meðal æðri Eona er Hugur, Rökhyggja, Kraftur, Sannleikur og líf.
Skipulag og Umhverfi: Vinnsla og Þróun skipulags byggða og borgar
Ráðgjöf, hugmyndavinna skipulagsvinna og vinnsla uppdrátta vegna umhverfis- og skipulags.

Samþykkt aðalskipulag Akraness 2005 - 2017

Blesugróf - vinnsla nýs skipulags, samþykkt deiliskipulag, skipulagsskilmálar-húsakönnun 2005-7

Þróun ráðuneytisbygginga, Stjórnarráðsreitur, 2005-2010

Samþykkt aðalskipulag Akraness 2005 - 2017
Aðalskipulag, Rammaskipulag, þróun byggðar

Miðborgar-Hafnarreitur-lóð, deiliskipulagsbreyting 2017-19

Miðborgar-Hafnarreitur-lóð, deiliskipulagsbreyting 2017-19

Þróun bygginga /complex, blönduð nýting, Ãbúðir, atvinnuhúsnæði, hótel 2012-14

Miðborgar-Hafnarreitur-lóð, deiliskipulagsbreyting 2017-19
Svæða-&Deiliskipulag, byggðamunstur, þr.lóðir

working with nature materials, building structures with turf and lava... Viking Pool, 2003-5

C-40 ReykjavÃk, 2019-2020,

Framtíðarlausnir fyrir þróunarsvæði, kolefnisjöfnun, sjálfbærni, grænar lausnir,
Mótun Umhverfis og Markmið til framtíðar: Betri byggð, betri borg, Umhverfismarkmið, viðbrögð við loftlagsbreytingum, sjálfbær þróun, grænar lausnir.
Aðalskipulag, Rammaskipulag, Deiliskipulag, þróun skipulagssvæða innan borgar, einstök skipulagsverkefni, þróun reita /jarða/lóða.

View of Building from East Street

View of Building from East Street

Building envelope in design and construction face 1997-2000

View of Building from East Street

Modern Residence Country Villa, Large House with a private full size swimming pool. Project design, 2013, end of contruction, 2019

Modern Residence Country Villa, Large House with a private full size swimming pool. Project design, 2013, end of contruction, 2019

Modern Residence Country Villa, Large House with a private full size swimming pool. Project design, 2013, end of contruction, 2019

Modern Residence Reykjavik greater Area, in the design series of modern classics by EON architecture, 2006 - 2010

Modern Residence Reykjavik greater Area, in the design series of modern classics by EON architecture, 2006 - 2010

Modern Residence, @ Shallow Waters, Reykjavik greater Area, in the design serie of modern classics by EON architecture, 2006 - 2010

Modern Residence Reykjavik greater Area, in the design series of modern classics by EON architecture, 2006 - 2010

Unite House, secially done for Valgerdur

Metamorphoses, an old factory transformed into the present, a modern complex - in stages from 2007 - 2019

Metamorphoses, an old factory transformed into the present, a modern complex - in stages from 2007 - 2019

Metamorphoses, an old factory transformed into the present, a modern complex - in stages from 2007 - 2019

Metamorphoses, an old factory transformed into the present, a modern complex - in stages from 2007 - 2019

Modern Residence Country Villa, Large House with a private full size swimming pool. Project design, 2013, end of contruction, 2019

Modern Residence Country Villa, Large House with a private full size swimming pool. Project design, 2013, end of contruction, 2019

Modern Residence Country Villa, Large House with a private full size swimming pool. Project design, 2013, end of contruction, 2019

Modern Residence Country Villa, Large House with a private full size swimming pool. Project design, 2013, end of contruction, 2019

A tribute to the great volcano, Mt Hekla in Iceland, the building envelope outside in is part of the exhibition, facade is a volcano canyon with cast lava.

A tribute to the great volcano, Mt Hekla in Iceland, the building envelope outside in is part of the exhibition, facade is a volcano canyon with cast lava.

Few steps from the Mt Hekla Museum, into the lava field, is the VIking pool, designed and constructed at the same time as the building.

A tribute to the great volcano, Mt Hekla in Iceland, the building envelope outside in is part of the exhibition, facade is a volcano canyon with cast lava.
Nature and experience

Hotel, opposite Harpa Music Hall @ City Centre Reykjavik. 2006-2008

Hotel, opposite Harpa Music Hall @ City Centre Reykjavik. 2006-2008

Hotel, opposite Harpa Music Hall @ City Centre Reykjavik. 2006-2008

Hotel, opposite Harpa Music Hall @ City Centre Reykjavik. 2006-2008

Modern Residence, @ Shallow Waters, Reykjavik greater Area, in the design serie of modern classics by EON architecture, 2006 - 2010

Modern Residence Reykjavik greater Area, in the design series of modern classics by EON architecture, 2006 - 2010

Modern Residence, @ Shallow Waters, Reykjavik greater Area, in the design serie of modern classics by EON architecture, 2006 - 2010

Modern Residence Reykjavik greater Area, in the design series of modern classics by EON architecture, 2006 - 2010


View from private land, building opens up to the views, view from lake

House of Shapes, interior, Circular Central space, the heart of the building, merger of interior space and garden space.

After busy day at the studio